After years of long wait, the residents of the Big Island and the whole world is going to witness one of the world's most spectacular natural occurences--- the Kilauea Lava Flow. The slowly oozing flow is now close to crossing the former Highway 130, which is now an emergency access road. Residents from nearby subdivisions were able to get up to where the flow is. The lava flow is coming from the Kilauea Volcano, a volcano that has been active for the past 23 years.What's very interesting about this is viewers can actually see lava flowing since it is visible above ground as it moves through brush and across older lava flows. City Officials however, have been busy preparing a safer viewing area for those who are interested in seeing this rare but natural wonder.
With safety measures being prepared, local tour companies and guides are getting ready for the influx of tourist who would fly from all over the globe to witness this phenomenon. Mark DeVita, a Hawaii tour guide for almost 15 years has been counting on this big event to boost sales for his company. For the past months, business has been slow, however, with this new development on the Big Island, Mark is starting to get calls from as far as Australia. "It makes me proud to share this to the whole world, I'm as excited as my customers are!" says Mark. Hawaii Volcano Tours, Mark's tour company has been the forerunner in giving lava flow tours at the Big Island. The company is backed by experienced and knowledgeable tour guides. With the recent developments, Mark is ready to give the tours himself along with his team.
A spectacular view of the lava flowing into the ocean might be even possible, for most of its eruptions, lava has been seen flowing into the ocean near Puna, (a small town located at the Big Island). For more details about this once in a lifetime experiece, go to

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