Hawaii Wedding on 8-8-08 - The Luckiest Numbers in Chinese Numerology

Last year the popular date was 7-7-07 and we had quite a day. One couple I assisted was from Europe and had never been to Hawaii. They said their vows next to a pristine Hawaiian waterfall and fell in love all over again!

This year 8/8/08 is another very popular date according to the meaning of the numbers in Chinese numerology.
I have been curious about the meaning behind these numbers so I did a little research and came up with some very interesting facts.

In Chinese culture certain numbers are believed by some to be favorable or unfavorable based on the Chinese word that the number name sounds similar to. For instance the numbers 6, 8, and 9 are favorable because their names sound similar to words that have positive meanings.

ONE: Stands for honor and unity.

TWO: Stands for doubling up or good things come in pairs.

THREE: Stands for growth.

FOUR: Stands for death and always related to unlucky things unless combined with a lucky number.

FIVE: Stands for balance.

SIX: Stands for wealth.

SEVEN: Stands for "sure" because seven sounds like that in Cantonese.

EIGHT: Stands for prosperity, wealthiness and fortune. Also for a good chance of success.

NINE: Stands for longevity and long life.

It's easy to see why three 8s would be very favorable as a wedding date; it represents three times the prosperity, wealth and success!
Brides can have a lot of fun with the number 8 at the wedding and reception. How about 8 attendants, 8 people to a table, an 8 course meal or 8 different deserts.

I would suggest that instead of an 8 tier wedding cake to have 8 cakes on pedestals at different levels. The number 8 is also the symbol for infinity and I would love to see the invitations designed with them.

The Olympics in China will start at 8:08 am on 8/8/08! For those already married you may want to renew your vows and take advantage of the good fortune. My 8:08 am time slot is still open. :)

Kalona is a wedding planner, coordinator and wedding performer living her dream in Hawaii. She has assisted 500 happy couples. Ms. Ortiz is available on all the Hawaiian Islands to perform personalized wedding ceremonies. Her clients rave about and appreciate her personal touch.

For faster response call 808-372-0343


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sharon_Kalona_Ortiz

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